New York / New Delhi


AI-Powered Healthcare — Artificial Intelligence is transforming healthcare at a rapid pace. The use of data analytics and artificial intelligence has the potential to assist healthcare providers in many aspects of patient care and administrative processes, helping them improve upon existing solutions and overcome challenges faster. Mining medical records is the most obvious application of AI in medicine. Collecting, storing, normalizing, tracing its lineage – it is the first step in revolutionizing existing healthcare systems. Further, we believe that a fusion of augmented reality and artificial intelligence that links with standard medical image management systems to make real-time advanced surgical visualization available in the operating rooms will revolutionize healthcare. Hence, A-Square Group aims to prepare healthcare and medical professionals for the era of human-machine collaboration.

Ankesh Arora is the author of the book Parallel Patient Flow to Reduce Length of Stay in Emergency Departments. The book addresses the problem of patient length of stay (PLOS) in emergency departments (EDs). The ability to provide timely care and effectively utilize ED resources are significantly impacted by PLOS. A Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model is applied to design the parallel patient flow and compare it with the current patient flow. Arora provides a new design of patient flow in EDs, reducing the PLOS and increasing ED throughput.
Arora, A., and S. Yoon. 2011.
“Optimization Model for Location and Routing of Mobile Intensive-Care Units”.
Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC).

Arora, A., Yoon, S., Khasawneh, M., and K. Srihari. 2010.
“Enhancing Intra-Hospital Patient Transports for Efficient Resource Utilization”.
United Health Services Hospitals, NY.

Arora, A., Yoon, S., Khasawneh, M. and K. Srihari. 2010.
“Evaluation of Block-Scheduling and Turnover Times to Enhance Operating Room Productivity”.
United Health Services Hospitals, NY.